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Thursday, 27 October 2016


Precision and quality is a trade that is lost in the South African TV industry. Everything is about cutting budget and the element that is scarified is quality. Many TV production companies doesn't really care about how the show looks but care only how fat their pockets get. 

Luckily their is a few companies that does care about quality and it is always a great experience if your can make your work look good and is given the time and tools to do so.  

To always look for new ways to improve and make the quality of my pictures look better is a thing I strive for and enjoy.

Monday, 8 August 2016

This is The Voice!!

2015, 2016 = The Voice
That is my pay-off line for the end of 2015 and of 2016. Since December 2015 up until now, I was primarily occupied with one show, The Voice. 

December 2015, I started as a Steadicam operator in studio for the Voice Angola, this quickly spilled over the ENG side of The Voice South Africa, Nigeria and now Francophone.
Half my time was dedicated to ENG and the other half to working my Steadicam in studio.

The voice took up so much of my time that I neglected some of my favorite people I love to work with, especially everyone form Luck Bean, but in the same breath I must say I got to meet and work with really awesome people on The Voice. The great thing is that over almost a year's time one gets time to know the crew better and build relationships.

Thanks again to everyone for a super awesome (almost)year!!